Challenges prior to using Clearstory

Before Clearstory, Tore Electric's team used carbon copy T&M Tags, which were manually delivered, dropped in a basket, then eventually processed for invoicing. This resulted in serious delays getting T&M Tags into the office and submitted. Tickets were often hard to read, and they were losing about ten tickets per month. It took weeks to reconcile costs using this process.

Pricing Change Orders also presented challenges. If pricing wasn't included on the T&M Tag, it took extra time to obtain pricing data from the estimating team.



"It used to take at least a week from creating a T&M Tag to submitting a Change Order. Now we can do it in the same day!"

Sheryl Minerly
Tore Electric

Results after using Clearstory

Tore Electric has seen drastic improvements in how quickly T&M Tags are submitted and processed, saving them more than eight hours of administrative time per week. Additionally, they are no longer losing T&M Tags because they are all electronic and instantly logged back in the home office.

“I recommend Clearstory because it's easy to use. It simplified a previously manual process, and now we're much more organized.”

– Sheryl Minerly, Tore Electric

Ready to see a Demo?

Contact us to schedule a 30 min call to see if Clearstory is right for you and your team.